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- University of Kassel's research data repository

is the institutional repository of the University of Kassel for research data. It offers structured storage of research data alongside with descriptive metadata, long-term archiving for at least 10 years and – if requested – the publication of the dataset with a DOI.

is managed by the university library and the IT Service Centre of the University of Kassel. It is hosted at Philipps-Universität Marburg. We are happy to advise you via daks@uni-kassel.de.


Recent Submissions

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Research Data
Legume-colonizing aphids as potential PNYDV-vectors: Reproduction and infestation dynamics in two different field bean varieties [Dataset]
(Universität Kassel) Berawe, Ahmed; Ziebell, Heiko; Seeger, Judith Nora; Saucke, Helmut
This data and corresponding manuscript partly demonstrates why the ‘GL Sunrise’ faba bean variety has exhibiting lower viral symptoms in the field despite lacking resistance to Pea necrotic yellow dwarf virus (PNYDV). The apparent field resistance to PNYDV in the faba bean cultivar ‘GL Sunrise’ is due to effects on aphid vectors that transmit the virus between plants. This research shows aphid reproduction on the ‘GL Sunrise’ variety was lower compared to the ‘Fuego’ variety. This work also shows the importance of conducting lab experiments to complement field work with relevant field-derived aphid strains. This research provides valuable insights into PNYDV occurrence in the field and informs the development of resistant varieties. This work also shows that varietal testing should include assays to test a range of aphid behaviours as well as growth and reproduction when evaluating new varieties.
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Research Data
SimBench—A Benchmark Dataset of Electric Power Systems to Compare Innovative Solutions Based on Power Flow Analysis
(Universität Kassel, e²n; Fraunhofer IEE; RWTH Aachen, IAEW; TU Dortmund, ie³) Meinecke, Steffen; Klettke, Annika; Drauz-Mauel, Simon; Braun, Martin; Spalthoff, Christian; Sprey, Julian; Kittl, Chris; Moser, Albert; Cronbach, Dennis; Rehtanz, Christian; van Leeuwen, Tobias; Bornhorst, Nils; Lauven, Lars-Peter; Kneiske, Tanja M.; Sarajlić, Džanan
SimBench is a benchmark data set for solutions in grid analysis, grid planning and grid operation management. This data set is intended to make developments of new methods and solutions independent of non-publicly available individual grid data sets to ensure reproducability, comparability, and transparency of various developments in this field.
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Research Data
BioRestBrennstoff - Stoffdatenbank aus Brennstoffanalysen
(Universität Kassel) Scheff, Viktoria; Laner, David; Dürl, Gregor; Kaetzl, Korbinian; Raza, Hafiz Ali
Die BRB-Stoffdatenbank ist ein Ergebnis aus dem vom BMWK geförderten Forschungsprojekt "BioRestBrennstoff" und beinhaltet Analysenergebnisse aus der Laboranalytik der Materialien (BRB_Materialien), der generierten Biorestbrennstoffe und deren Mischungen aus den Verbrennungsversuchen (BRB_Brennstoffe) und der Aschen zur weitergehenden Bewertung des Ascheschmelzverhaltens (BRB_Ascheanalytik). Analysiert wurden verschiedene Materialien aus dem Kompost-Siebüberlauf der Bioabfallbehandlung, die aus insgesamt drei Aufbereitungskampagnen gewonnen wurden, Silage aus Grünlandreststoffen und durch das IFBB-Verfahren (Integrierte Festbrennstoff- und Biogasproduktion aus Biomasse) erzeugte Pellets sowie holzige Referenzbrennstoffe. Für die einzelnen Materialien aus dem Kompost-Siebüberlauf wird die fraktionsspezifische Zusammensetzung dargestellt. Das Ziel mit dieser Datenbank ist die Erweiterung der Datenbasis für Stoffdaten biogener Rest- und Abfallstoffe. Die Datenbank kann erweitert oder in ihrer Struktur für eigene Analysen angewendet werden. Besonderer Fokus wurde hierbei auf eine eindeutige Bezeichnung der Bezugszustände gelegt, damit die Daten nachvollziehbar und eindeutig beschrieben werden können. Die Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt wurden im Schlussbericht des Projekts ausführlich dargestellt. Dementsprechend wird in Bezug auf eine umfassende Dokumentation der genutzen Material und Methoden sowie der erzeugten Ergebnisse auf den Schlussbericht verwiesen.
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Research Data
Frequency selective illumination for high aperture coherence scanning interferometry [Dataset]
(Universität Kassel) Künne, Marco; Lehmann, Peter; Pahl, Tobias; Stelter, Andre
This dataset containes raw measurement data from a coherence scanning interferometer of the Linnik type. Two 0.95 NA objectives were used for this measurement. The wavelength used for all these measurements is 450 nm and the step size between every z-step is 20 nm. Information about the different apertures used for the measurements are described in detail in the corresponding publication. IMPORTANT: In case you use the data please cite our corresponding article mentioned below.
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Research Data
Low-cost high-speed fiber-coupled interferometer for precise surface profilometry [Dataset]
(Universität Kassel) Hagemeier, Sebastian; Zou, Yijian; Pahl, Tobias; Rosenthal, Felix; Lehmann, Peter
This dataset contains raw data obtained by a fiber-coupled laser interferometer for surface profilometry (NA = 0.38, wavelength = 1550 nm) and a dataset measured by an atomic force microscope for reference. The data obtained by the laser interferometer includes surface profiles measured from a chirp standard manufactured by the PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany), a sinusoidal standard 531 from Simetrics GmbH, and height values obtained from the identical position of an aluminum mirror. These results are shown in section 3 of the article mentioned below. The data are saved in an HFD5 file format and can be used by example codes programmed using the software Python and Matlab. Furthermore, the interference signal shown in Figure 3 is in a CSV file format in the dataset. In addition, a profile obtained from the fine chirp texture of the chirp standard measured by an atomic force microscope (Nanite, Nanosurf AG) with EBD-HAR probe IP from Nanotools GmbH in non-contact mode is contained in the dataset. These data are saved in a CSV file format and can be used by example a code programmed using the software Python. IMPORTANT: In case you use the data please cite our corresponding article mentioned below.